Terms & Conditions
Collection of your dog
​We will contact you 10 minutes before the grooming is finished, we then expect you to collect your dog within 30 minutes of your dog being ready unless otherwise agreed.
Please do not arrive early for collection as your pet will get excited & we may be unable to finish the groom.
If you are more than half an hour late for collection, there will be a charge of £10 for every 15 minutes late.
A cancellation charge of 50% of the appointment price will apply if appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice. The appointment cannot be rebooked without a deposit being paid.
Payment is due at the point of collecting your dog. If our card machine is not working then you will need to pay via bank transfer before leaving the premises or in cash.
A late payment fee of £10 will apply if you do not pay at the point of collection. We will also charge an admin fee if you are more than 24 hours late with this payment.
It is our policy to collect all payments due.
Severely matted coats require extra time, care and attention. A matting fee of £10 will be applied to the groom price.
Removing a heavily matted coat could cause irritation. Shaving can reveal skin problems that existed prior to the grooming process. After-effects of matt removal can include itchiness, redness, self-inflicted irritations or abrasions, and failure of hair to regrow. In some cases, pets may also exhibit brief behavioural changes.​
Should such an issue occur we shall give you a call to discuss the process and charges prior to shaving. Should the call not be answered we shall commence shaving for the wellbeing and comfort of your Pet. We will not be liable for any veterinarian fees.
We no longer offer flea treatment as a service and if you know your dog has fleas, you should move your appointment giving at least 24 hours’ notice. If we do find fleas and your pet requires flea shampoo a charge of £10 will be added to the charge of a full groom. If your pet has a flea infestation a charge of £25 will be added to your bill to cover the expense & time of having to decontaminate the salon & the equipment. There will also be a charge if we have to cancel the following dog’s appointment due to the time it takes to decontaminate the salon – you will be charged for their grooming price.
Difficult Dogs
If your pet requires a muzzle please let us know. Dogs that require more than one groomer to complete the groom will be charged more.
If your dog is extraordinarily difficult or aggressive towards staff you may receive a call to collect your dog, regardless of how far into the grooming we are. In most cases, we will try to continue working calmly with your dog, however if they are too distressed & deemed un-groomable it would be best to stop for the safety of your dog & staff. The full price of the groom will still be payable.
Pregnancy & Seasons
We will not groom a pregnant female or a female in season
If your Bitch has had puppies, please do not book her next appointment until all puppies are weaned fully. A cancellation charge of 50% of the appointment price will apply if appointment is cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice. The appointment cannot be rebooked without a deposit being paid.

Katori Grooming Salon